Simulation vs. Narrative response EC

To break a game down and analyze it by the sum of its parts rather than the sum of its narrative is effective. Finding the mechanics of the game is a more insightful way of understanding a game because it allows a player to learn why different elements of the game work or do not do work; to focus simply on story would be to try and predict the out come of the game rather than play through and experience it firsthand. By breaking down the mechanics of the game into pieces we are able to measure how effective different elements of a game may or may not be based on level design, AI, path-finding, interactivity, and game physics. While plot is an important, it will often jade the player from admitting fault based on how well the story was crafted or vice versa (poor story, great gameplay). Understanding the ludology behind a game as you play it will give a greater appreciation for the development behind it as well as the means it took to make the game what it was also.

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